Amazon Kinesis Video Streams endpoints and quotas - AWS General Reference

Amazon Kinesis Video Streams endpoints and quotas

To connect programmatically to an AWS service, you use an endpoint. AWS services offer the following endpoint types in some or all of the AWS Regions that the service supports: IPv4 endpoints, dual-stack endpoints, and FIPS endpoints. Some services provide global endpoints. For more information, see AWS service endpoints.

Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources or operations for your AWS account. For more information, see AWS service quotas.

The following are the service endpoints and service quotas for this service.

Service endpoints

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (Ohio) us-east-2 HTTPS
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 HTTPS
US West (Oregon) us-west-2 HTTPS
Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) ap-east-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 HTTPS
Canada (Central) ca-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (Ireland) eu-west-1 HTTPS
Europe (London) eu-west-2 HTTPS
Europe (Paris) eu-west-3 HTTPS
South America (São Paulo) sa-east-1 HTTPS
AWS GovCloud (US-East) us-gov-east-1 HTTPS
AWS GovCloud (US-West) us-gov-west-1 HTTPS

Service quotas

Name Default Adjustable Description
ConnectAsMaster GO_AWAY message grace period Each supported Region: 60 Seconds No The maximum duration of the grace period that follows the received GO_AWAY message, after which the master connection is terminated in this account in the current Region.
ConnectAsMaster connection duration Each supported Region: 3,600 Seconds No The maximum duration of a master connection per signaling channel in this account in the current Region.
ConnectAsMaster connections per signaling channel Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of master connections per signaling channel in this account in the current Region.
ConnectAsMaster idle connection timeout Each supported Region: 600 Seconds No The maximum duration of an idle master connection before the connection times out in this account in the current Region.
ConnectAsViewer GO_AWAY message grace period Each supported Region: 60 Seconds No The maximum duration of the grace period that follows the received GO_AWAY message, after which the viewer connection is terminated in this account in the current Region.
ConnectAsViewer connection duration Each supported Region: 3,600 Seconds No The maximum duration of a viewer connection per signaling channel in this account in the current Region.
ConnectAsViewer connections per signaling channel Each supported Region: 10 Yes The maximum number of viewer connections per signaling channel in this account in the current Region.
ConnectAsViewer idle connection timeout Each supported Region: 600 Seconds No The maximum duration of an idle viewer connection before the connection times out in this account in the current Region.
GetClip file size Each supported Region: 100 Megabytes No The maximum size of a video file in megabytes retrieved by the GetClip API in this AWS account and Region.
GetClip fragments Each supported Region: 200 No The maximum number of fragments that can be contained in a video file retrieved by the GetClip API in this AWS account and Region.
GetDASHManifestPlaylist fragments Each supported Region: 5,000 No The maximum number of fragments per GetDASHManifestPlaylist request per playlist in this account in the current Region.
GetHLSMediaPlaylist fragments Each supported Region: 5,000 No The maximum number of fragments per GetHLSMediaPlaylist request per playlist in this account in the current Region.
GetMedia bandwidth Each supported Region: 200 Megabits per second Yes The maximum bandwidth for GetMedia requests in megabits per second (Mbps) in this account in the current Region.
GetMedia concurrent connections per stream Each supported Region: 3 Yes The maximum number of concurrent connections that you can make with GetMedia per stream in this account in the current Region.
GetMediaForFragmentList bandwidth Each supported Region: 200 Megabits per second Yes The maximum bandwidth for GetMediaForFragmentList requests in megabits per second (Mbps) in this account in the current Region.
GetMediaForFragmentList connections per stream Each supported Region: 5 No The maximum number of concurrent connections that you can make with GetMediaForFragmentList per stream in this account in the current Region.
GetMediaForFragmentList fragments Each supported Region: 1,000 No The maximum number of fragments per GetMediaForFragmentList request in this account in the current Region.
Number of Media Storage Channels Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of media-storage channels that can be configured for this account in the current Region.
Number of signaling channels

us-east-1: 20,000

us-west-2: 20,000

Each of the other supported Regions: 10,000

Yes The maximum number of signaling channels that you can create in this account in the current Region.
Number of video streams

us-east-1: 20,000

us-west-2: 20,000

Each of the other supported Regions: 10,000

Yes The maximum number of video streams that you can create in this account in the current Region.
PutMedia bandwidth Each supported Region: 100 Megabits per second Yes The maximum bandwidth for PutMedia requests in megabits per second (Mbps) in this account in the current Region.
PutMedia concurrent connections per stream Each supported Region: 1 No The maximum number of concurrent connections that you can make with PutMedia per stream in this account in the current Region.
PutMedia fragment duration Each supported Region: 10 Seconds Yes The maximum fragment duration in seconds for PutMedia requests in this account in the current Region.
PutMedia fragment size Each supported Region: 50 Megabytes No The maximum fragment size in megabytes for PutMedia requests in this account in the current Region.
PutMedia minimum fragment duration Each supported Region: 1 Seconds No The minimum fragment duration in seconds for PutMedia requests in this account in the current Region.
PutMedia tracks Each supported Region: 3 No The maximum number of tracks within the media that is uploaded with PutMedia into this stream in this account in the current Region.
Rate of ConnectAsMasterAPI requests per signaling channel Each supported Region: 3 per second No The maximum number of ConnectAsMaster requests that you can make per second per signaling channel in this account in the current Region.
Rate of ConnectAsViewerAPI requests per signaling channel Each supported Region: 3 per second No The maximum number of ConnectAsViewer burst requests that you can make per second per signaling channel in this account in the current Region.
Rate of CreateSignalingChannelAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateSignalingChannel requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of CreateStreamAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second Yes The maximum number of CreateStream requests per second for an account.
Rate of DeleteEdgeConfigurationAPI requests Each supported Region: 10 per second No The maximum number of DeleteEdgeConfiguration requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DeleteEdgeConfigurationAPI requests per resource Each supported Region: 1 per second No The maximum number of DeleteEdgeConfiguration requests that you can make per second per resource in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DeleteSignalingChannelAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of DeleteSignalingChannel requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DeleteSignalingChannelAPI requests per signaling channel Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of DeleteSignalingChannel requests that you can make per second per signaling channel in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DeleteStreamAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of DeleteStream requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DeleteStreamAPI requests per stream Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of DeleteStream requests that you can make per second per stream in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DescribeEdgeConfigurationAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of DescribeEdgeConfiguration requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DescribeEdgeConfigurationAPI requests per resource Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of DescribeEdgeConfiguration requests that you can make per second per resource in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DescribeMappedResourceConfigurationAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of DescribeMappedResourceConfiguration requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DescribeMappedResourceConfigurationAPI requests per resource Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of DescribeMappedResourceConfiguration requests that you can make per second per resource in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DescribeMediaStorageConfigurationAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of DescribeMediaStorageConfiguration requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DescribeMediaStorageConfigurationAPI requests per resource Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of DescribeMediaStorageConfiguration requests that you can make per second per resource in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DescribeSignalingChannelAPI requests Each supported Region: 300 per second No The maximum number of DescribeSignalingChannel requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DescribeSignalingChannelAPI requests per signaling channel Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of DescribeSignalingChannel requests that you can make per second per signaling channel in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DescribeStreamAPI requests Each supported Region: 300 per second No The maximum number of DescribeStream requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of DescribeStreamAPI requests per stream Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of DescribeStream requests that you can make per second per stream in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetDASHManifestPlaylistAPI requests per session Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of GetDASHManifestPlaylist requests that you can make per second per session in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetDASHStreamingSessionURLAPI requests per stream Each supported Region: 25 per second No The maximum number of GetDASHStreamingSessionURL requests that you can make per stream per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetDataEndpointAPI requests Each supported Region: 300 per second No The maximum number of GetDataEndpoint requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetDataEndpointAPI requests per stream Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of GetDataEndpoint requests that you can make per second per stream in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetHLSMasterPlaylistAPI requests per session Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of GetHLSMasterPlaylist requests that you can make per second per session in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetHLSMediaPlaylistAPI requests per session Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of GetHLSMediaPlaylist requests that you can make per second per session in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetHLSStreamingSessionURLAPI requests per stream Each supported Region: 25 per second No The maximum number of GetHLSStreamingSessionURL requests that you can make per stream per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetICEServerConfigAPI requests per signaling channel Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of GetICEServerConfig requests that you can make per second for this signaling channel in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetMP4InitFragmentAPI requests per session Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of GetMP4InitFragment requests that you can make per second per session in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetMP4MediaFragmentAPI requests per session Each supported Region: 20 per second No The maximum number of GetMP4MediaFragment requests that you can make per second per session in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetMediaAPI requests per stream Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of GetMedia requests that you can make per second per stream in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetSignalingChannelEndpointAPI requests Each supported Region: 300 per second No The maximum number of GetSignalingChannelEndpoint requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetSignalingChannelEndpointAPI requests per signaling channel Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of GetSignalingChannelEndpoint requests that you can make per second per signaling channel in this account in the current Region.
Rate of GetTSFragmentAPI requests per session Each supported Region: 20 per second No The maximum number of GetTSFragment requests that you can make per second per session in this account in the current Region.
Rate of ListEdgeAgentConfigurationsAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of ListEdgeAgentConfigurations requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of ListSignalingChannelsAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of ListSignalingChannels requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of ListStreamsAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of ListStreams requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of ListTagsForResourceAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of ListTagsForResource requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of ListTagsForResourceAPI requests per resource Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of ListTagsForResource requests that you can make per second per resource in this account in the current Region.
Rate of ListTagsForStreamAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of ListTagsForStream requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of ListTagsForStreamAPI requests per stream Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of ListTagsForStream requests that you can make per second per stream in this account in the current Region.
Rate of PutMediaAPI requests per stream Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of PutMedia requests that you can make per second per stream in this account in the current Region.
Rate of SendAlexaOfferToMasterAPI requests per signaling channel Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of SendAlexaOfferToMaster requests that you can make per second for this signaling channel in this account in the current Region.
Rate of SendICECandidateAPI requests per websocket connection Each supported Region: 20 per second No The maximum number of SendICECandidate requests that you can make per second per websocket in this account in the current Region.
Rate of SendSDPAnswerAPI requests per websocket connection Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of SendSDPAnswer requests that you can make per second per websocket in this account in the current Region.
Rate of SendSDPOfferAPI requests per websocket connection Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of SendSDPOffer requests that you can make per second per websocket in this account in the current Region.
Rate of StartEdgeConfigurationUpdateAPI requests Each supported Region: 10 per second No The maximum number of StartEdgeConfigurationUpdate requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of StartEdgeConfigurationUpdateAPI requests per resource Each supported Region: 1 per second No The maximum number of StartEdgeConfigurationUpdate requests that you can make per second per resource in this account in the current Region.
Rate of TagResourceAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of TagResource requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of TagResourceAPI requests per resource Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of TagResource requests that you can make per second per resource in this account in the current Region.
Rate of TagStreamAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of TagStream requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of TagStreamAPI requests per stream Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of TagStream requests that you can make per second per stream in this account in the current Region.
Rate of UntagResourceAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of UntagResource requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of UntagResourceAPI requests per resource Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of TagResource requests that you can make per second per resource in this account in the current Region.
Rate of UntagStreamAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of UntagStream requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of UntagStreamAPI requests per stream Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of UntagStream requests that you can make per second per stream in this account in the current Region.
Rate of UpdateDataRetentionAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of UpdateDataRetention requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of UpdateDataRetentionAPI requests per stream Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of UpdateDataRetention requests that you can make per second per stream in this account in the current Region.
Rate of UpdateMediaStorageConfigurationAPI requests Each supported Region: 10 per second No The maximum number of UpdateMediaStorageConfiguration requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of UpdateMediaStorageConfigurationAPI requests per resource Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of UpdateMediaStorageConfiguration requests that you can make per second per resource in this account in the current Region.
Rate of UpdateSignalingChannelAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of UpdateSignalingChannel requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of UpdateSignalingChannelAPI requests per signaling channel Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of UpdateSignalingChannel requests that you can make per second per signaling channel in this account in the current Region.
Rate of UpdateStreamAPI requests Each supported Region: 50 per second No The maximum number of UpdateStream requests that you can make per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of UpdateStreamAPI requests per stream Each supported Region: 5 per second No The maximum number of UpdateStream requests that you can make per second per stream in this account in the current Region.
Rate of archived fragment media per stream Each supported Region: 500 per second No The maximum number of fragments that you can request media for per stream per second in this account in the current Region.
Rate of archived fragment metadata per stream Each supported Region: 10,000 per second No The maximum number of fragments that you can request metadata for per stream per second in this account in the current Region.
SendICECandidate message payload size Each supported Region: 10 Kilobytes No The maximum size (in kilobytes) of SendICECandidate message payload.
SendSDPAnswer message payload size Each supported Region: 10 Kilobytes No The maximum size (in kilobytes) of SendSDPAnswer message payload.
SendSDPOffer message payload size Each supported Region: 10 Kilobytes No The maximum size (in kilobytes) of SendSDPOffer message payload.
TURN session bandwidth Each supported Region: 5 Megabits per second No The maximum bandwidth in megabits per second (Mbps) that is supported per TURN session in this account in the current Region.
TURN session concurrent allocations per signaling channel Each supported Region: 50 No The maximum number of concurrent allocated TURN sessions per signaling channel in this account in the current Region.
TURN session expiration Each supported Region: 300 Seconds No The maximum valid duration of TURN session credentials in this account in the current Region.

For more information, see Kinesis Video Streams quotas in the Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Developer Guide.