AWS CloudFormation endpoints and quotas
To connect programmatically to an AWS service, you use an endpoint. AWS services offer the following endpoint types in some or all of the AWS Regions that the service supports: IPv4 endpoints, dual-stack endpoints, and FIPS endpoints. Some services provide global endpoints. For more information, see AWS service endpoints.
Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources or operations for your AWS account. For more information, see AWS service quotas.
The following are the service endpoints and service quotas for this service.
Service endpoints
Region Name | Region | Endpoint | Protocol |
US East (Ohio) | us-east-2 | |
US East (N. Virginia) | us-east-1 | |
US West (N. California) | us-west-1 | |
US West (Oregon) | us-west-2 | |
Africa (Cape Town) | af-south-1 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) | ap-east-1 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) | ap-south-2 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Jakarta) | ap-southeast-3 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Malaysia) | ap-southeast-5 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Melbourne) | ap-southeast-4 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) | ap-south-1 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Osaka) | ap-northeast-3 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Seoul) | ap-northeast-2 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Singapore) | ap-southeast-1 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Sydney) | ap-southeast-2 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Thailand) | ap-southeast-7 | | HTTPS |
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) | ap-northeast-1 | | HTTPS |
Canada (Central) | ca-central-1 | | HTTPS |
Canada West (Calgary) | ca-west-1 | | HTTPS |
Europe (Frankfurt) | eu-central-1 | | HTTPS |
Europe (Ireland) | eu-west-1 | | HTTPS |
Europe (London) | eu-west-2 | | HTTPS |
Europe (Milan) | eu-south-1 | | HTTPS |
Europe (Paris) | eu-west-3 | | HTTPS |
Europe (Spain) | eu-south-2 | | HTTPS |
Europe (Stockholm) | eu-north-1 | | HTTPS |
Europe (Zurich) | eu-central-2 | | HTTPS |
Israel (Tel Aviv) | il-central-1 | | HTTPS |
Mexico (Central) | mx-central-1 | | HTTPS |
Middle East (Bahrain) | me-south-1 | | HTTPS |
Middle East (UAE) | me-central-1 | | HTTPS |
South America (São Paulo) | sa-east-1 | | HTTPS |
AWS GovCloud (US-East) | us-gov-east-1 | | HTTPS |
AWS GovCloud (US-West) | us-gov-west-1 | | HTTPS |
Service quotas
Name | Default | Adjustable | Description |
Custom Resource Response Data | Each supported Region: 4,096 Bytes | No | The maximum size of response data that a custom resource provider can submit in a response |
Hook configuration size | Each supported Region: 204.8 Kilobytes | No | The maximum amount of configuration data a Hook can store. |
Hooks per account | Each supported Region: 100 | No | The maximum number of Hooks allowed for this account in the current Region. |
Hooks per resource | Each supported Region: 100 | No | The maximum number of Hooks that can be configured per resource. |
Module limit per account | Each supported Region: 100 |
Yes |
Maximum number of module types you are allowed to register. |
Nested modules | Each supported Region: 3 | No | Number of levels of nesting per module. |
Queued operations per stack set | Each supported Region: 10,000 | No | Maximum number of queued operations for a stack set at a given time. |
Resource limit per account | Each supported Region: 50 |
Yes |
Maximum number of resource types you are allowed to register. |
Stack instance operations per administrator account | Each supported Region: 10,000 |
Yes |
Maximum number of stack instances, across all stack sets, that you can run operations on in each Region at the same time, per administrator account. |
Stack instances per stack set | Each supported Region: 100,000 |
Yes |
Maximum number of stack instances you can create per stack set. |
Stack sets per administrator account | Each supported Region: 1,000 |
Yes |
Maximum number of AWS CloudFormation stack sets you can create in your administrator account. |
Stacks | Each supported Region: 2,000 |
Yes |
The maximum number of active stacks; an active stack is any stack with a status other than DELETE_COMPLETE |
Stacks imported using S3 object per stack set operation | Each supported Region: 200 | No | Maximum number of stacks you can import using S3 object per stack set operation. |
Stacks imported using inline stack ids per stack set operation | Each supported Region: 10 | No | Maximum number of stacks you can import using inline stack ids per stack set operation. |
Template Description Length | Each supported Region: 1,024 Bytes | No | The maximum length of a CloudFormation template description |
Template Dynamic References | Each supported Region: 60 | No | The maximum number of dynamic references per CloudFormation template |
Template Logical Resource ID Length | Each supported Region: 255 | No | The maximum length of a CloudFormation template logical resource ID |
Template Mapping Attributes | Each supported Region: 200 | No | The maximum number of attributes per CloudFormation template mapping |
Template Mapping Name and Mapping Attribute Name Length | Each supported Region: 255 | No | The maximum length of a CloudFormation template mapping name and mapping attribute name |
Template Mappings | Each supported Region: 200 | No | The maximum number of mappings per CloudFormation template |
Template Output Name Length | Each supported Region: 255 | No | The maximum length of a CloudFormation template output name |
Template Outputs | Each supported Region: 200 | No | The maximum number of outputs per CloudFormation template |
Template Parameter Name Length | Each supported Region: 255 | No | The maximum length of a CloudFormation template parameter name |
Template Parameter Value Length | Each supported Region: 4,096 | No | The maximum length of a CloudFormation template parameter value |
Template Parameters | Each supported Region: 200 | No | The maximum number of parameters per CloudFormation template |
Template Resources | Each supported Region: 500 | No | The maximum number of resources per CloudFormation template |
Template Size | Each supported Region: 1 Megabytes | No | The maximum size of a CloudFormation template; a template of size greater than 50 KiB must be stored in an Amazon S3 bucket and submitted in requests as an Amazon S3 object URL |
Version limit per module | Each supported Region: 100 |
Yes |
Maximum number of versions per module type you are allowed to register. |
Version limit per resource | Each supported Region: 50 |
Yes |
Maximum number of versions per resource type you are allowed to register. |
Versions per hook | Each supported Region: 100 | No | The maximum number of versions you can create per Hook. |
Wait Condition Signal Data Size | Each supported Region: 4,096 Bytes | No | The maximum size of signal data that cfn-signal can submit in a wait condition signal |
For more information, see AWS CloudFormation Quotas in the AWS CloudFormation User Guide.