AWS Elemental MediaTailor endpoints and quotas - AWS General Reference

AWS Elemental MediaTailor endpoints and quotas

To connect programmatically to an AWS service, you use an endpoint. AWS services offer the following endpoint types in some or all of the AWS Regions that the service supports: IPv4 endpoints, dual-stack endpoints, and FIPS endpoints. Some services provide global endpoints. For more information, see AWS service endpoints.

Service quotas, also referred to as limits, are the maximum number of service resources or operations for your AWS account. For more information, see AWS service quotas.

The following are the service endpoints and service quotas for this service.

Service endpoints

Region Name Region Endpoint Protocol
US East (Ohio) us-east-2 HTTPS
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 HTTPS
US West (Oregon) us-west-2 HTTPS
Africa (Cape Town) af-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Hyderabad) ap-south-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Melbourne) ap-southeast-4 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) ap-south-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Osaka) ap-northeast-3 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Seoul) ap-northeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Singapore) ap-southeast-1 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Sydney) ap-southeast-2 HTTPS
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) ap-northeast-1 HTTPS
Canada (Central) ca-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (Frankfurt) eu-central-1 HTTPS
Europe (Ireland) eu-west-1 HTTPS
Europe (Paris) eu-west-3 HTTPS
Europe (Stockholm) eu-north-1 HTTPS
Middle East (UAE) me-central-1 HTTPS
South America (São Paulo) sa-east-1 HTTPS

Service quotas

Name Default Adjustable Description
Ad Insertion Requests Each supported Region: 10,000 Yes Maximum requests per second when requesting manifests, segments, and tracking information when performing server side ad insertion.
Ad decision server (ADS) length Each supported Region: 25,000 No The maximum number of characters in an ad decision server (ADS) specification.
Ad decision server (ADS) redirects Each supported Region: 5 No The maximum depth of redirects that MediaTailor follows in VAST wrapper tags.
Ad decision server (ADS) timeout Each supported Region: 3 Seconds No The maximum number of seconds that MediaTailor waits before timing out on an open connection to an ad decision server (ADS). When a connection times out due to no response from the ADS, MediaTailor is unable to fill the ad avail with ads.
Channel Manifest Requests Each supported Region: 50 Yes The maximum number of manifest requests per second for any single Channel Assembly channel. This is an account-level quota.
Channel outputs Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of outputs per channel.
Channels per account Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of channels per account.
Configurations Each supported Region: 1,000 No The maximum number of configurations that MediaTailor allows.
Content origin length Each supported Region: 512 No The maximum number of characters in a content origin specification.
Content origin server timeout Each supported Region: 2 Seconds No The maximum number of seconds that MediaTailor waits before timing out on an open connection to the content origin server when requesting template manifests. Timeouts generate HTTP 504 (GatewayTimeoutException) response errors.
Live Sources Each supported Region: 50 Yes The maximum number of live sources sources per source location.
Manifest Requests Each supported Region: 400 Yes The maximum number of manifest requests per second across all channels. This is an account-level quota.
Manifest size Each supported Region: 2 Megabytes No The maximum size, in MB, of any playback manifest, whether in input or output. To ensure that you stay under the quota, use gzip to compress your input manifests into MediaTailor.
Package configurations Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of package configurations per live or VOD (video on demand) source.
Programs Per Channel Each supported Region: 400 Yes The maximum number of programs per channel.
Segment Delivery Configurations Per Source Each supported Region: 5 Yes The maximum number of segment delivery configurations per source location.
Session expiration Each supported Region: 10 No The maximum amount of time (quota times the manifest duration) that MediaTailor allows a session to remain inactive before ending the session. Session activity can be a player request or an advance by the origin server. When the session expires, MediaTailor returns an HTTP 400 (Bad Request) response error.
Source Locations Each supported Region: 100 Yes The maximum number of source locations per account.
VOD Sources Each supported Region: 1,000 Yes The maximum number of video on demand (VOD) sources per source location.

For more information, see Quotas in the AWS Elemental MediaTailor User Guide.